Researching to
grow for health

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Carbon Reduction Plan

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Rovi en cifras

Rovi in figures

829.5 Mn€

Operatig revenuesin 2023

420.2 Mn€

Specialty Pharmaceutical business Sales in 2023(+1% vs 2022)

64 countries

LMWH presence through strategic alliances with international partners

24.9 Mn€

R&D expenses in 2023 (+4% vs 2022)

409.3 Mn€

CDMO Sales in 2023 (+1% vs 2022)


Porcentage of women on the   Boards of Directors

Commitment to transparency

Commitment to transparency

Our society expects the pharmaceutical industry to be able to make the best possible medicines available to them. To achieve this objective, it is necessary to invest in Research and Development, as well as in training, requiring close collaboration with Healthcare Professionals (HCPs), Healthcare Organizations (HCOs) and Patient Organizations (POs). This valuable exchange of knowledge and experience makes it possible to have the most innovative treatments, which improves the life expectancy and quality of life of patients.

It is necessary for these collaborations to be transparent and for society to be able to trust that they are due to the need to develop new medicines, to constant updating of HCPs according to scientific evidence and its application to clinical practice, all of this with the common goal of providing better patient care.

When collaborating with medical experts, we comply with applicable laws and regulations such as the EFPIA Disclosure Code in Europe and fully respect the independence and integrity of these professionals.