We are aware of the strategic importance of research and development when competing in the current market.

More than 750 patents

ROVI has a well-protected portfolio composed of 750 patent dossiers, 623 of which have already been granted, while 128 are in the examination and evaluation phase.

314 Patentes Concedidas

623 granted patents

137 Patentes en Fase de Examen  y Evaluación

128 in examination
and evaluation phase

During 2023, we invested €24,9 million in R&D, 4% more than in 2022.

The success of

Our innovation and development policy is reflected in the success of Bemiparin, the first second-generation, low-molecular-weight heparin, which has become the Company’s main product and is currently marketed in more than 55 countries.



Treatment of established deep vein thrombosis, with or without pulmonary embolism


Our R&D investment

During 2021, we invested €27.4 million in R&D, 15% more than in 2020.

Estas cifras responden
To a large extent, these figures relate to investments that concentrate on the ISM® Technology platform.
ROVI coordinates all its R&D&I activity in Spain, distributing it among the Madrid and Granada centers, with three R&D&I centers and two pilot plants for the manufacture of injectable medicines on which research is in progress.

R&D projects

Content in update



The ISM® platform allows the sustained release of compounds administered by injection and has the advantage of reducing variability, improving stability and minimizing the number of doses necessary, thus improving the degree of patent adherence to the prescribed treatment.



Glycomics is the study and profiling of the sugars that compose a cell, including the glycosaminoglycans (GAG), which, in addition to their role in regulating blood coagulation, are involved in processes like cell growth, immune response and inflammation.


Multilayer technologies for urethral catheters

Multilayer technologies for urethral catheters

One of the most important aspects in the use of stents and urethral catheters is the high prevalence of bacteria that, in some cases, may lead to the appearance of clinical symptoms and complications, including severe sepsis and death.

Find out more about the drug-release platform and glycomics.