General Information on the Company
In this section you will find all the information on the Company concerning:

How to contact us

Information on our
shares and dividends

Investor highlights,
relevant events and
our significant shareholders
Financial and Economic Information

Corporate Governance
Our corporate governance includes both current national and international recommendations and, in particular, its internal regulations apply the Good Governance Code of Listed Companies approved by the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) in February 2015.
This model guarantees ethical behaviour on the part of the Company, allowing the trust created among stakeholders to be preserved and the defence of the interests of all our shareholders to be assured.
ROVI’s main governing bodies are the General Shareholders’ Meeting and the Board of Directors.
General shareholder's meeting
May 29, 2018
Information for Investors
This section is especially for all investors. You can find annual reports, updated financial information and other documentation for investors.
Furthermore, if you wish, you may sign up for alerts to follow all ROVI’s securities market information.
To request information by post, simply complete and send the following form: