As a pharmaceutical company, we have worked intensively to support research and foment knowledge and prevention of certain diseases. For us, a well-informed society is a healthier society.
Furthermore, our economic development must be compatible with proper conduct in relation to ethics, society, the workplace, the environment and respect for human rights. We think of society as a group of individuals with equal rights and opportunities.
In order for this commitment to materialize, we have developed the Corporate Social Responsibility Policy, the Integrated Management Policy (Environment and Occupational Health and Safety), the Code of Ethics and the Annual Corporate Social Responsibility Report.
What are we seeking?
- To favour attainment of our strategic objectives.
- To improve our competitiveness through innovations, equal opportunities, productivity, profitability and sustainability.
- To manage risks and opportunities derived from the changing environment, as well as maximizing the positive impacts of our activities and minimizing, as far as possible, any adverse impacts.
- To promote a culture of ethical conduct and increase business transparency, in order to generate credibility and confidence.
- To promote trust relationships and value creation for our stakeholders.
Commitment to research
Each year, we sponsor the International Grants Competition for Biomedical Research into Bemiparin, a low-molecular-weight heparin indicated for the prophylaxis and treatment of venous thromboembolic disease.
In addition, we cooperate with the University of Granada on R&D&i and training projects within the framework of various projects supported by the Technological Corporation of Andalusia (CTA) and the Centre for Technological and Industrial Research (CDTI), and hold agreements with the Biomedical Research Centre of the CSIC and the University of La Rioja.
Likewise, we have been present in the creation of large strategic research consortia. Since 2016, we have been taking part in the activities of different consortia and are currently leading the BIOMAP (2015) Consortium, within the framework of the FEDER-Innterconecta Program.

Commitment to training
Our commitment to society drives us to make it easier for students to enter the labour market. In this respect, we have implemented a training program in the company through which the participants, through the agreements with their universities or educational centres, may expand their knowledge and live a professional experience in our company.
Commitment to social projects
We support projects that promote social integration. From ROVI, we co-operate with foundations and NGOs, helping their projects grow and making them our projects, too:
- Spanish Paralympic Team
- The foundations También, Deporte y Desafío, Recover and Fundación Manantial.
- Spanish Red Cross
- Proyecto Hombre
Our society needs the pharmaceutical industry to be able to make the best medicines possible available to it. To attain this objective, it is necessary to invest in both Research and Development and training, and close co-operation with healthcare professionals and organizations is required.
This co-operation must be transparent and society must feel confident that it stems from the need to develop new medicines and to constantly keep healthcare professionals updated on new scientific evidence and how it is applied in clinical practice, all of which has the common purpose of providing patients with better attention.
Since 2002, the pharmaceutical industry has had a Code of Practice that regulates relations between the industry and healthcare organizations and professionals, ensuring that these relations are rigorous, objective and independent. This Code is revised from time to time to include improvements derived from experience in its practical application and the demands of our society.

Transparency 2015