La plataforma Glicómica de liberación de fármacos patentada por Rovi permite la liberación sostenida de compuestos administrados por vía parenteral.
En ROVI® hemos desarrollado una línea de investigación puntera en el campo de la liberación prolongada de fármacos mediante la tecnología Glicómica.
Las ventajas que ofrece:
- Reducir la variabilidad
- Mejorar la estabilidad
- Reducir el número de dosis necesarias
- Mejorar el grado de adherencia del paciente al tratamiento prescrito.

What is it?
Glycomics is the study and profiling of the sugars that compose a cell, including the glycosaminoglycans (GAG), which, in addition to their role in regulating blood coagulation, are involved in processes like cell growth, immune response and inflammation. Glycomics studies provide very valuable information in this respect, since they allow the receptors that take part in the interaction with each type of GAG to be determined.
What does this mean?
The degree of specialization and knowledge attained in this area allows us to consider the expansion of alternative applications, indications and action mechanisms of heparin-derived products and other glycosaminoglycans.
As a result of its effort and investment in this area, we have developed an enoxaparin biosimilar (a low-molecular-weight heparin with an antithrombotic effect). In March 2017, we successfully completed the decentralized procedure for registration of medicines in twenty-six European Union countries. Subsequently, we commenced the national phases of the registration process, which will conclude, foreseeably, with the granting of the marketing authorization by the respective competent national authorities for each individual country. We estimate that the national phase will take between three and ten months.