The President of the Andalusian Government, Juan Manel Moreno, visits the new Rovi plant in Escúzar (Granada)

This new facility will double the production capacity of low molecular weight heparins.

  • On his visit to the plant, which is ready to start production as soon as the authorisation from the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices is received, Mr Moreno was accompanied by the Andalusian Regional Minister of Health, Catalina García; the Regional Minister of Development, Infrastructures and Planning, Marifrán Carazo; the representative of the Andalusian Government in Granada, Antonio J. Granados; and the Mayor of Escúzar, Antonio Arrabal.
  • The new facility in Escúzar is the first project declared of strategic interest for Andalusia to materialise and will permit ROVI the capacity to double its low-molecular-weight heparin production.
  • With this milestone, ROVI reinforces its position as one of the leading global players in the production of low-molecular-weight heparins.
  • Construction of the plant has involved an investment of 33 million euros and, initially, 45 new jobs will be created


Madrid, 21st Octubre 2022

This Friday, the President of the Andalusian Regional Government, Juan Manuel Moreno Bonilla, visited the low-molecular-heparin production facility that ROVI has built in Escúzar (Granada), which is the first project declared of strategic interest for Andalusia to materialise. The Andalusian Regional Minister of Health, Catalina García; the Regional Minister of Development, Infrastructures and Planning, Marifrán Carazo; the representative of the Andalusian Government in Granada, Antonio J. Granados; and the Mayor of Escúzar, Antonio Arrabal, also visited the facility. The authorities were accompanied by the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of ROVI, Juan López-Belmonte; the Deputy Chairman and General Manager of the Commercial and Development Areas, Iván López-Belmonte; the Manager of ROVI’s Industrial Area, Miguel Ángel Ortega; and the members of the company’s Board of Directors.

These new facilities, which are awaiting the final administrative authorisations to come into commercial operation, will allow ROVI to double its current production capacity for the active substances of its low-molecular-weight heparins, bemiparin and the enoxaparin biosimilar – two of the medicines classified as strategic for the Spanish health system by the Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS)[1] –, which the company is now marketing in almost 90 countries. With this milestone, ROVI continues to reinforce its position as one of the leading global players in low-molecular-weight heparin production.

The construction of these high-technological-value facilities has involved an investment of over 33 million euros for ROVI. The work began in April 2020 and has been completed in 2022, meaning that the schedule was met in spite of the pandemic. Because it was classified as a Strategic Project, it received the support of the Project Acceleration Unit, which made the process easier and reduced some of the time periods in administrative procedures.

In addition, the new Escúzar plant will initially create 45 new jobs. Thus, the company continues to show its commitment to the creation of skilled jobs and social and economic development in the region.

Juan López-Belmonte, ROVI’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer highlighted the fact that: “ROVI has been operating and investing in Andalusia for 15 years. Our bet on this community, specifically in the province of Granada, is firm and materialises in the different investments we have made and will continue to make. The construction of this plant is a very important milestone, since it means that our production capacity for bemimparin and our enoxaparin biosimilar, two strategic medicines for the Spanish healthcare system, will double. We would like to thank the Andalusian Government for classifying this project as strategic for the region, which has enabled us to bring a new facility into operation in record time. Today, ROVI takes a further step forward in its commitment to people’s health and its link with Andalusia, the community in and from which we would like to continue growing.”

Juan Manuel Moreno, President of the Andalusian Regional Government, said: “Congratulations on positioning ROVI as a pioneering pharmaceutical company in Spain and allowing the Andalusian people to be party to its growth, stability and soundness. Today is a proud day for Andalusia because we have one of the leading companies in Spain, in a strategic sector like healthcare, generating value-added, stable, skilled employment, and a future for many families”.

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