ROVI takes into consideration the social impact of its activity beyond its contribution to enhancing society’s quality of life and health through its products and has rolled out a wide range of actions that take account of the local community as an essential element.
The Company is involved in a series of priority spheres of social action, such as mainstreaming disability in the workplace, fomenting health, commitment to training and corporate volunteering.
Workplace integration of people with disabilities
ROVI promotes the integration of people with disabilities in its work environment through different measures that provide synergies between the parties involved.
To recognise the Group’s work, Fundación Manantial, within the framework of the XI Edition of the Miradas Award, awarded ROVI its Solidarity Stamp, with which the Foundation acknowledges companies that promote workplace inclusion by employing people who have been diagnosed with mental health problems, thus helping to reduce the stigma attached to mental health conditions and enhance the quality of life of those who suffer from them.
Promotion of health and access to medicines
ROVI, aware of the key role of the pharmaceutical industry in responding to society’s healthcare needs, has a Policy on Access to Medicines, in which its commitment to reducing health disparities materialises. This Policy sets out the different principles for action, as well as the existing mechanisms to ensure access to healthcare and medicines.
Likewise, the Company has a one-off medicine exportation procedure for humanitarian reasons, which favours and expedites the one-off dispatch of its products through third parties.
Corporate volunteering
One of the fundamental elements of ROVI’s social action is its corporate volunteering programme, through which employees have the chance to play a leading role in change by co-operating with the different NGOs and foundations with which the Company works, cooperating in different national and international projects related to health, healthcare, sport and social protection.