Date Title Description PDF
21 Feb 2023 On business and financial situation The company releases the Integrated Report for the year 2022 Download
21 Feb 2023 About Corporate Governance The Company informs about the agreements adopted by the Board of Directors Download
23 Nov 2022 On business and financial situation The Company releases the presentation related to its strategy update because of its 2022 Capital Markets Day   Download
04 Nov 2022 On business and financial situation The Company releases the press release related to the first nine months of 2022 financial results Download
04 Nov 2022 On business and financial situation The Company releases the first nine months 2022 financial results presentation Download


Date Title Description PDF
01 Oct 2020 Liquidity contracts and specialists Liquidity contract: transactions conducted in the third quarter of 2020 Download
11 Sep 2020 Announcement of general shareholders’ meeting Rovi releases the information related to its 2020 General Shareholders Meeting. Download
27 Jul 2020 On business and financial situation The company releases the press release related to the 2020 first half financial results Download
27 Jul 2020 About corporate governance The Company informs about the agreements adopted by the Board of Directors.   Download
27 Jul 2020 On business and financial situation ROVI releases the 2020 First Half Results presentation Download


Date Title Description PDF
24 Feb 2015 Informe Anual de Gobierno Corporativo 2014 Download
10 Feb 2015 Otros sobre negocio y situación financiera Download
16 Dec 2014 I+D resultados obtenidos; licencias, patentes y marcas Download
06 Nov 2014 información sobre resultados Download
06 Nov 2014 información sobre resultados (2) Download
