Laboratorios ROVI makes an active contribution to sustainable development

To consolidate our position in the pharmaceutical sector nationally and internationally, at ROVI we work in line with the Sustainable Development Goals set out in the United Nations 2030 Agenda.

As a member of the United Nations Global Compact, ROVI supports, adopts and disseminates the implementation of the Global Compact’s Ten Principles related to human rights, labour, the environment and the fight against corruption, fostering actions to attain the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We are aware of the importance of the SDGs in achieving a sustainable future and focus our actions on meeting them, especially promoting the wellbeing of communities, the preservation of the environment and the enhancement of people’s quality of life. To do this, based on the Master Plan 2023-2024, we have established strategic ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) principles, transparently demonstrating our commitment to stakeholders in line with both the Group’s Sustainability Policy and the Company’s Mission, Vision and Values. This Master Plan becomes the starting point to drive sustainability forward throughout the value chain of our business.

To make an assertive response to the demands of society, ROVI makes an active contribution to eleven of the seventeen SDGs in the following three key areas:

  1. The environment: we have implemented a number of mechanisms to protect biodiversity taking account of the impact of our activity on the environment.


  • Clean water and sanitation: reduction in noxious effluents (basic solutions) derived from production of the COVID-19 vaccine. Likewise, we reutilise the water rejected by the vial washing machines at the San Sebastián de los Reyes plant.


  • Affordable and clean energy: production of renewable energy through the photovoltaic panels installed at the Alcalá de Henares and Granada plants.


  • Decent work and economic growth: contracts for 100% renewable energy at our manufacturing plants and the Group’s main offices.


  • Industry, innovation and infrastructure: development of energy efficiency projects at the plants, such as optimisation of the air-conditioning systems, change in the lighting systems and the installation of electricity and steam meters.


  • Responsible consumption and production: monthly checks and reports on water, electricity and gas indicators at all our production plants.


  • Climate action: we collaborate in the international hydroelectric project “Las Pizarras” to generate renewable electricity and also compensate 100% of the Group’s Scope 1 and 2 emissions, among other measures.


  • Life of terrestrial ecosystems: start-up of the “ROVI’s Forest” project, which has successfully recovered 15,380 m2 of green areas and generated a water benefit of 25,346 litres as of July 2023.



  1. People: aware of the role played by our professionals, we reinforce our commitment to human capital by looking after our employees and encouraging their development and positive performance as one of the essential pillars of our business strategy.


  • Reduced inequalities:  with a diversity of nationalities on our payroll, inter-institutional agreements to employee differently-abled people and promotion of wage equality.


  • Responsible consumption and production: supplier monitoring using tools like EcoVadis and adhesion to the system promoted by the European Medicines Verification Organisation (EMVO).


  • Climate action: adhesion to “Punto SIGRE” for the recycling of packaging with or without medicines.


  • Peace, justice and strong institutions: application of the Code of Ethics, which reflects our company’s commitment to acting in accordance with the law, human rights and international ethical practices.


  • Partnerships for the goals: collaboration and support with public and private institutions, including the Ministry of Science and Innovation.



  1. Good governance: in order to implement good governance practices in the different areas of the company, we work in tune with three goals:
  • Gender equality: with the appointment of women to managerial positions in order to increase diversity on both the Board of Directors and the Management Committee, on which women are represented by percentages of 42% and 25%, respectively.


  • Decent work and economic growth: approval of internal policies and procedures, such as the Code of Ethics for Suppliers and the Whistleblower Channel.


  • Peace, justice and strong institutions: through zero tolerance of any kind of bribery or corruption, regular adaptation of corporate policies and support of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.