Our corporate governance includes both current national and international recommendations and, in particular, its internal regulations apply the Good Governance Code of Listed Companies approved by the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) in February 2015.
This model guarantees ethical behaviour on the part of the Company, allowing the trust created among stakeholders to be preserved and the defence of the interests of all our shareholders to be assured.
ROVI’s main governing bodies are the General Shareholders’ Meeting and the Board of Directors.
As a publicly listed company and for the benefit of both the financial markets and the general public, ROVI pursues an open and active information policy. A governing principle is that all stakeholders should be given the same opportunity to follow Company developments. ROVI is committed to complying with all applicable laws and regulations and to ensure transparent reporting to its shareholders and investors.
What information is useful for you?

Regulations of the General Shareholder's Meeting

General Shareholder's Meeting: exercising the right to information

Notice and Agenda of the Meeting

Full texts of the motions to be proposed and the documentation available to shareholders prior to the Meeting

Shareholder's request for information and clarification

Proxy voting

Distance voting at General Meetings

Information on the contents of past General Meetings

Board of Directors

Regulations of the Board of Directors

Annual Corporate Governance Report

Director compensation

Board Committees

Internal Code of Conduct on securities market trading

Shareholder Forum

Corporate Policies
