Name Position
Mr. Juan López-Belmonte Encina President and CEO
Mr. Javier López-Belmonte Encina Vicepresident 1
Mr. Iván López-Belmonte Encina Vicepresident 2
Mrs. Fátima Báñez García Board member
Mr. José Fernando de Almansa Moreno-Barreda Board member
Mr. Marcos Peña Pinto Coordinating counselor
Mr. Gabriel Nuñez Fernández Secretary non board member
Mr. Ignacio Zarzalejos Toledano Deputy Secretary non board member

The Board of Directors s the Company’s highest decision-making, supervision and control body, except in matters reserved to the General Shareholders’ Meeting.


Its composition is adapted to the recommendations of the CNMV’s Good Governance Code for Companies.


All the directors were appointed on the basis of their merits, irrespective of gender.


According to the Bylaws, the Board must be formed by no less than five and no more than fifteen members.


As the highest decision-making body, it delegates ordinary business management to the management team and concentrates its activities on general supervisory duties.


Therefore, the Board must direct its policies towards:

  • Supervising Management
  • Evaluating the perfomance of managers
  • Adopting the Company's most important decisions
  • Liaising with shareholders


  • To strive to ensure the regulatory requirements and the Company’s social and ethical duties are met
  • To ensure that no one person or small group exercises decision-making power within the Company
  • To ensure that no shareholder is treated more favourably than others


  • Preparing the strategic plan
  • Fixing management objectives and the annual budget
  • Defining the structure of the company group
  • Establishing the investment and financing policy
  • Approving the dividend, corporate governance and social responsibility policies

All the responsibilities of the Board of Directors are set out in article 5 of the Regulations of the Board of Directors.



Mr. Juan López-Belmonte Encina

President, Board member and Chief Executive Manager


First Appointment27 July, 2007

Latest Appointment17 June, 2021


Mr. López-Belmonte Encina holds a degree in Economics and Business Science awarded by CEU San Pablo University in Madrid in 1993. He is a shareholder of Norbel Inversiones, S.L., in which he owns a 33.33% interest (making him the controlling shareholder of the Company) and is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of ROVI. Mr. López-Belmonte began his career working in different areas of the pharmaceuticals business for international drug companies in the United States and the United Kingdom. Having worked for the Company since 1994, he was appointed Managing Director in October 2001, becoming Chief Executive Officer in October 2007. From October 2020 to October 2022, he was President of the National Business Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Spain (Farmaindustria) and is currently Vice-President of the Governing Council and member of the Board of Directors of Farmaindustria. He also chaired the R&D+i Committee of the Spanish Confederation of Employers' Organisations, CEOE, from March 2015 until late 2018. He was appointed as a director of the Company for the first time on 27 July 2007 when ROVI went public, and he was re-elected by the General Shareholders' Meeting in 2012, 2017 and 2021.

Other Boards of Directors on which he sits
  1. Company: 
    Position / Partner: 
  2. Company: 
    Position / Partner: 
Shares held in company

% of voting rights

% Direct
% Indirect
% Total


Mr. Javier López-Belmonte Encina

1st Vicepresicent


First Appointment27 July, 2007

Latest Appointment17 June, 2021


Mr. López-Belmonte Encina graduated in Economic and Business Sciences from Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros (CUNEF), Madrid, specialising in Financing, in 1998. He obtained a joint Executive MBA from Brown University and the Instituto de Empresa in Madrid in 2017. He is a shareholder of Norbel Inversiones, S.L., where he holds 33% of the share capital (this company is, in turn, ROVI’s controlling shareholder) and 1 st Deputy Chairman of ROVI’s Board of Directors. He began his professional career in the banking sector in 1998, working for Argentaria, S.A. in the United Kingdom as an analyst, and in the pharmaceutical sector with Medeva Pharma, also in the United Kingdom. He joined ROVI in 2000 and has been Chief Financial Officer since 2001. He has been Vice President of CEIM, a member of its Management Board and Chairman of its Health Commission. Likewise, he has been a member of the Social Council of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid representing CEIM and a member of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, representing the Social Council of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He was initially appointed to the Company’s Board of Directors on 27 July, 2007 when ROVI was first listed on the securities markets and was re-elected at the General Shareholders’ Meetings held on 2012, 2017 and 2021.

Other Boards of Directors on which he sits
  1. Company: 
    Position / Partner: 
  2. Company: 
    Position / Partner: 
  3. Company: 
    Position / Partner: 
Shares held in company

% of voting rights

% Direct
% Indirect
% Total


Mr. Iván López-Belmonte Encina

2nd Vicepresident


First Appointment27 July, 2007

Latest Appointment17 June, 2021


Mr. López-Belmonte Encina graduated in Economic and Business Sciences, specialising in Auditing, from CEU San Pablo, Madrid in 1994. He is a shareholder of Norbel Inversiones, S.L., where he holds 33% of the share capital (this company is, in turn, ROVI’s controlling shareholder) and 2 nd Deputy Chairman of ROVI’s Board of Directors. As part of his post-graduate education, in 2008 he earned a Diploma in Advanced Studies which qualifies him as an investigator in the fields of economics, finance and accounting. He began his professional career in Germany, working in companies like Amersham, engaged in nuclear medicine, and Hexal AG, specialised in generics. He has been working for the Company since 1995 and has been ROVI’s Corporate Development Manager since September 2007. He was initially appointed to the Company’s Board of Directors on 27 July, 2007 when ROVI was first listed on the securities markets and was re-elected at the General Shareholders’ Meetings held on 2012, 2017 and 2021.

Other Boards of Directors on which he sits
  1. Company: 
    Position / Partner: 
  2. Company: 
    Position / Partner: 
    Joint abd Several Administrator
  3. Company: 
    Position / Partner: 
  4. Company: 
    Position / Partner: 
Shares held in company

% of voting rights

% Direct
% Indirect
% Total


Mrs. Fátima Báñez García

Board member


First Appointment20 December, 2019

Latest Appointment24 June, 2024


Ms. Báñez García holds a combined degree in Law and Economic and Business Sciences from the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas -ICADE E-3- and continued her academic education with a postgraduate degree in Company Administration from the University of Harvard, Boston, MA, likewise completing the Public Management Leadership Programme at the IESE Business School. She was Minister of Employment and Social Security in the Spanish government from December 2011 to June 2018, and provisional Minister of Health, Social Services and Equality from August to November 2016. Also in the public area, she was member of the Spanish Congress of Deputies for Huelva (2009-2019), holding important responsibilities in the economic area of the Popular Parliamentary Group, as well as the position of chairperson of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the Lower Chamber (2018-2019). Previously, from November 1997 to June 2000, she was a member of the Board of Directors of Radio Televisión de Andalucía. She began her professional life in the private sector as head of Corporate Strategy and Development of her family’s company group (1993-1997) and returned to private activity as a business consultant and advisor in November 2019. She has extensive international experience, having represented Spain on the EPSCO Council, at the G-20, at the Ibero-American Summits and at meetings of the OECD and ILO, as well as at international employment forums. Ms Báñez is currently President of the CEOE Foundation. She was appointed director of the Company by co-option on 20 December 2019, and re-elected at the Ordinary General Shareholders' Meeting on 20 October 2020.

Other Boards of Directors on which he sits
  1. Company: 
    Position / Partner: 
Shares held in company

% of voting rights

% Direct
% Indirect
% Total


Mrs. Marina del Corral Téllez

Board Member


First Appointment10 May, 2022

Latest Appointment14 June, 2022


Mrs. Del Corral holds a law degree from the University of Granada, a Master's degree in European Communities from the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid, a degree in Management and Administration of Foundations and Non-Profit Organizations from New York University, and has completed the Senior Management Program (Programa de Alta Dirección de Empresas, PADE) at the University of Navarra (IESE) and the Corporate Governance Program at the Instituto de Consejeros y Administradores (IC-A). She began her professional career in 1988 at the law firm Cuatrecasas, in the Brussels and Barcelona offices, where she worked until 1993, developing her professional practice in the areas of European Union law, corporate law and commercial contracting. Subsequently, she joined the multinational pharmaceutical company Sanofi-Aventis as head of the Legal Services Department in Spain, where she led the legal aspects of important strategic alliances, mergers of various pharmaceutical laboratories and the purchase and sale of companies in the sector, assuming the role of Secretary to the Board of Directors and the legal management of all the group's subsidiaries in Spain, a position she held until 2000. In 2003, during her stay in New York, she collaborated with the National Executive Service Corps - NESC, an American consulting firm that assists non-profit organizations. She was Secretary General of Immigration and Emigration of the Spanish Government from 2012 to 2018, where she held responsibilities in matters of immigration policy, including free movement of European Union citizens, immigration and integration of immigrants, humanitarian reception, reception of asylum seekers and refugees, international mobility and attention to Spaniards residing abroad. She has represented Spain in various European and international forums. Currently, Mrs. Del Corral is General Director of CEAPs (Círculo de Atención a las Personas), a national business organization in the dependency and personal autonomy sector in Spain, which brings together nearly 200,000 residential places, more than 180,000 workers and 370,000 places and services in day centres and telecare centres, where Mrs. Del Corral is in charge of management, coordination of institutional relations and technical secretariat. Moreover, she is a member of the Madrid Bar Association and the Instituto de Consejeros y Administradores. She speaks English and French.

Other Boards of Directors on which he sits
Shares held in company

% of voting rights

% Direct
% Indirect
% Total


Mr. Marcos Peña Pinto

Adviser and coordinator


First Appointment7 May, 2019

Latest Appointment14 June, 2023


Mr. Peña Pinto holds a law degree from the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and passed the official examination to become a Technical Labour and Social Security Inspector. From 1984 to 1989, Mr Peña held the position of Labour Attaché at the Spanish Embassy in Italy. Subsequently, from 1991 to 1996, he was the Secretary-General for Health at the Ministry of Health and Consumption and Secretary General for Employment and Labour Relations at the Ministry of Labour. Between 2005 and 2006, he was appointed expert member of the Economic and Social Council, which he presided until April 2019. Likewise, Mr Peña Pinto has been a member of the Council of State due to his position as president of the Economic and Social Council. In April 2020, Mr Peña became a trustee of the CEOE Foundation. Regarding his other professional activities, it should be noted that Mr Marcos Peña is specialised in collective bargaining and has held the position of chairman of the Negotiation Committee for many collective labour agreements (e.g. Telefónica, Renfe, Repsol, Alcatel, Endesa, Astilleros, etc.). Furthermore, Mr Peña Pinto has been an arbitrator and mediator in various labour conflicts on a nationwide scale and is the author of numerous publications, often publishing articles with the written press. He was appointed as an independent director of the Company by co-option by the Board of Directors, accepting his appointment on 9 May, 2019, and re-elected at the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of 12 June, 2019.

Other Boards of Directors on which he sits
Shares held in company

% of voting rights

% Direct
% Indirect
% Total


Mrs. Teresa Corzo Santamaría

Board member


First Appointment14 December, 2022

Latest Appointment14 June, 2023


Ms. Corzo Santamaría holds a degree in Economics and Business Sciences from Universidad Pontificia Comillas (ICAI-ICADE), having obtained a PhD in Economics and Business Sciences from Universidad de Navarra, and, in 2003, the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) certification, being since then a member of CFA Spain and CFA Institute. Between 1997 and 1998, she completed a postdoctoral fellowship, specialized in the area of finance, at University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). Subsequently, on her return to Spain, Ms. Corzo Santamaría worked for 6 years in Renta 4, Sociedad de Valores y Bolsa S.A. where she performed functions as investment and financial analyst and other functions related to the asset management, among others, management of derivatives portfolios and international investment funds. With regards to her career as a professor, it should be noted that Ms. Corzo Santamaría worked as a collaborating lecturer in the area of finance at Instituto de Empresas, later joining the Department of Financial Management at the Faculty of Economics of Universidad Pontificia Comillas (ICAI-ICADE), where she has been teaching various subjects related to portfolio management and financial derivatives (options and futures) since 2005. In 2017, Ms. Corzo Santamaría was appointed as Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences of Universidad Pontificia Comillas (ICAI-ICADE), a position she continues to hold today. In addition, since August 2018 until August 2022, Ms. Corzo Santamaría was a member of the Board of Directors of Deutsche Bank SAE, as well as of its Risk, Audit, Nominations and Remuneration Committees. In relation to her research activities, Ms. Corzo Santamaría has collaborated in several studies related to credit and market risk, having published numerous articles in international journals such as Journal of Behavioral Finance, Journal of Asset Management, Journal of Insurance and Financial Management, Spanish Economic Review o Economic Notes.

Other Boards of Directors on which he sits
  1. Company: 
    Sociedad de Gestión de Sistemas de Registro, Compensación y Liquidación de Valores, S.A.U. (IBERCLEAR)
    Position / Partner: 
Shares held in company

% of voting rights

% Direct
% Indirect
% Total


Mr. Gabriel Núñez Fernández

Secretary non board member


First Appointment28 April, 2014

Latest Appointment


Other Boards of Directors on which he sits
Shares held in company

% of voting rights

% Direct
% Indirect
% Total

Mr. Ignacio Zarzalejos Toledano

Deputy Secretary non board member


First Appointment24 April, 2018

Latest Appointment


Other Boards of Directors on which he sits
Shares held in company

% of voting rights

% Direct
% Indirect
% Total