ROVI’s research, development and innovation work is one of its pillars of growth and its portfolio of products in the research phase focuses on three main areas: drug-release technologies, glycomics and medical devices.
ROVI aspires to be recognised as a yardstick for its work in researching and developing new products. Developing lines of research that promote new collaborations with consortia and other entities is essential to both ROVI and the pharmaceutical industry.
At ROVI, products must be developed taking account of real therapeutic needs and executed complying with the highest ethical standards (clinical trials and animal testing).
In order to always remain in the vanguard, ROVI establishes agreements with different universities to strengthen scientific, technological, training and knowledge-sharing activities in Spain, showing its support for research at academic level.
Animal testing
The Animal Testing Policy approved by the Company’s CEO states that, although the use of animals is still necessary in research work in order to guarantee that the product is safe before it is administered to humans, ROVI respects animal welfare and undertakes to apply a 3R approach (“Replacement, Reduction and Refinement”).
Additionally, all the studies that ROVI conducts with animals must be approved by an external Ethics Committee on Animal Experimentation that guarantees animal welfare, reducing their stress and suffering to a minimum.