ROVI monitors its scope 1 and 2 emissions, which enables the company to know and evaluate the progress that is being made with regard to emissions and to put the best measures in place to reduce them.
During 2022, ROVI calculated its carbon footprint including, for the first time, scope 3 emissions, which cover indirect greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions arising from activities from sources that are not owned or controlled by the company.
The different categories that formed part of scope 3 in calculating the carbon footprint for 2023 are shown below:
1. Indirect GHG emissions arising from transport
- 1.1. Internal mobility (1,492.76 tCO2e): GHG emissions associated to transport of ROVI personnel to/from work.
- 1.2. External mobility (642.86 tCO2e): GHG emissions associated to transport on business trips, which, in the case of ROVI, are only attributable to air or rail transport.
- 1.3. Downstream transport (379.20 tCO2e): GHG emissions associated to the transport of the product to the customer. This category covers distribution between the Madrid plants, distribution from plant to logistics operator, distribution from the Granada plant to either Madrid or logistics operators, and distribution from the logistics operator to the destination, which may be on the Peninsular or in the Canary Islands.
2. Indirect GHG emissions arising from products used by the organisation
- 2.1 Raw material consumption (5,762.48 tCO2e)
- 2.2. Waste management (2,228 tCO2e)
- 2.3 Downdstream transport (379.20 tCO2e)
In 2023, the total carbon footprint for 2022 was calculated (scope 1,2 and 3) and regitered with the Ministery for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MTIECO). As a result, ROVI recived the stamps of "Calculate and Compensate"